
Saturday, September 4, 2010

What Happens After The Housing Market Locks Up?

Thank you for sharing my article about what will happen to the housing market in 14 months. When the system "locks up," it will not simply be "a bunch of people living" free rent." It will have a devastating affect on the stock market and even the ability of the US to borrow money in international markets. Higher interest rate will have to be offered to bond purchasers. This will mean higher interest rates for the rest of us. Credit will lock up and this will lead to a deeper recession or depression. You will have political instability and the perfect environment for the rise of an ultra-right wing or ultra left wing political leader (ie Hitler or Stalin). Monty this is like when you find a small skin cancer. If you treat it immediately, you will be fine. If you do not it will get worse and worse. All of these bail outs and other exercises have only put off the inevitable. When the final bill comes due, the pain is going to be incredible.

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