
Friday, August 21, 2015

The Danger Of Coyotes In Pacifica, California

My dear neighbors I have been very lucky to have been with an incredible lady named Dr. Elena E. Torello for the last 15 years. Almost three years ago we suffered a sad loss. Our 16 month old dog Cassi was eaten by coyotes over in the area around Land's End apartments and Mossel Rock. We had hiked in the area for 9 years and our dogs had routinely run free without problems. We were traumatized. We contacted the Daly City Police, the mayor of Daly City and many other agencies with jurisdiction over the area. We got a lot of kinds words and assurances that the matter was "being looked into" but no concrete action. I noted that a coyote had menaced a child at the same time in Daly City. I bluntly warned the mayor that if a coyote seriously injured or killed a child, it would be "a career-ending event." 

It is sad when dogs,cats and raccoons are killed. It would be tragic if a small child were severely injured or killed. This is where this is all heading. The coyotes are getting bolder and bolder. Public officials all over the world are apathetic and do not act until they are forced to. A tragedy with a child will force them to act. 

As a matter of interest, I spent 6 years of my life in South Africa. The country is full of dangerous animals like lions, leopards, crocodiles, hippos, black mamba snakes, hyenas, elephants etc. The only wild animal that comes around a populated area is baboons in Cape Town. If some dangerous animal is sighted close to a populated area, it is a big news item in the newspapers and on the 6:00 O'Clock news all over the country. Here wild and dangerous animals live very close to humans. We should not tolerate this. 

One defensive measure that all of you can take to protect your pets is to buy spiked collars and put them on your beloved animals. When a coyote attacks a victim, it breaks their neck. The spiked collar will stop this and give your beloved pet a chance to get away. Pet stores are now selling pepper spray to ward off coyotes. If you have a gun and plan to shoot one, please be careful that you do not endanger people with a bullet. I use a sling shot with heavy balls as my coyote weapon. Elena plans to start using a bow and arrow.

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