
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Saudi Arabia And Iran-What Happens Next?

Good Morning All:

   Saudi Arabia just suffered some heavy damage to their oil industry by drones sponsored and provided by Iran. Will the Saudis sit back and "turn the other cheek?" I think not. Their armed forces are equipped with some of the latest US technology. I sense retaliation against the Iranians coming. Israel may or may not "come to the party," depending on if Netanyahu is reelected.
   If the Iranians are hit hard, they will strike back. The US will be sucked into the battle. The Russians will see it as a golden opportunity to distract the US and make a lot of money selling arms,food,medicine to the Iranians. (I suspect that you would only see Russian military forces deployed if an actual land invasion of Iran was mounted by the US.) The Straits of Hormuz will be disrupted with a huge spike in oil prices and major damage to the economies of Japan, India, and China.
   In almost 71 years of life, I have learned that the quickest way to lose friends is to give investment advice. I will tell you what I am doing. My trading account is heavy in GLD (gold), SLV (silver) and SWAN (A brilliant ETF that Bloomberg loves. It is structured for Black Swan events like what could happen next.) You will also find BA (Boeing-military budgets will increase if the US is drawn into a conflict.)
   I sincerely hope that this doesn't happen. Many people will suffer and die.

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