
Thursday, January 3, 2008

An Apology For Dina Aljuburi/Securing Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal

Dina thank you for pointing out to me that Iraq has been a country for over 6000 years. It is not in a civil war. It is in turmoil and temporarily a failed state because of the actions of President George W. Bush and his followers. This meddling has caused over 3,900 American deaths. It has lead to thousands of young American men and women suffering awful wounds and life long disabilities. It has caused the very best and brightest in Iraq to flee to other countries. It has literally broke the US Treasury and left our grand children with an awful financial burden.

Dina, my wife's ancestors come from Northern Italy. She points out to me that her ancestors were civilized when my ancestors from Germany were still barbarians. Our Chinese friends tell us that they were civilized when all of we Europeans were still barbarians.

Dina when the rest of the world was a group of barbarians (Including Europeans, Jews, Chinese, Indians, etc.), you Iraqis had great cities like Babylon and wonderful innovations like Hamurapi's Code (The first written laws.) All of us are indebted to Iraqis for the wonder contributions they have made to civilization throughout the world.

I sincerely apologize to you and all other Iraqi readers if I gave an incorrect impression of your country.

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