
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Crisis Investing-A Must Read Book

Crisis Investing is a brilliant book that explains in simple language what is going on now and what we need to do to survive in this dangerous environment.

John Talbott is the new Howard Ruff. he takes difficult concepts and explains them in easy and understandable terms that we all can understand.

To make a long story short Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner, and President Obama new that they were confronting Great Depression II. They decided to print between $2 trillion and $3 trillion dollars and to put this money in the world economy. Without this massive printing of money, we would have had deflation perhaps like Japan in the "lost decade" or the even worse deflation that my grand parents experienced during the great depression of the 1930's.

The very low inflation rate we have now is merely the result of all the new money stopping deflation.

John Talbott draws upon an Abraham Lincoln saying as follows: "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

One day in the near future all of this extra money will "kick off" a round of high inflation.

His suggestion is to get out of stocks and bonds. He recommends that you buy gold. For all of you fighting with "underwater houses, take heart. Mr. Talbott says that your house will become your best investment! It will turn around. He advises that you buy other properties.

Please read this book. It will change your life!

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