
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Zimbabwe Arms Shipment Turned Away By Angola

Zimbabwe Arms Shipment Turned Away By Angola Edit Delete
My dear readers, a happy May Day celebration to all of you. I always loved this holiday when I lived in the Republic.

I come with wonderful news for all of you. Angola has joined the chorus of other countries that have now refused to allow off loading of arms destined for Zimbabwe. Now the arms will go back to China.

The arms will now return to China. They are getting ready to host the 2008 Summer Olympics. They are very sensitive about their public image and human rights record around the world.

China will now give Zimbabwe a refund or send other products that will help the people of Zimbabwe rather than killing and maiming them.

All of you wonderful people of COSATU and other humble South Africans stood up to President Mbeki and the cabinet. Your loud voice of protest sent a strong message to the whole world.

If I was not an American, I would want to be a South African. All of you are wonderful!!!! You showed the whole world what democracy is all about. Please never forget the words of that classic song as follows:

"one voice singing in the darkness..

all it takes is one voice."

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