
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Money Talks And Bullshit Walks-The Jeffrey Epstein Story

Money Talks And Bullshit Walks-The Jeffrey Epstein Story
     “Money talks and bullshit walks” is an earthy saying from my home state of Texas. It tells us something that most have known since they were little children. Those with money and political influence are treated with more lenience in the criminal justice systems of many different countries. Poor people always get longer sentences and are convicted on weaker evidence.
   I have been following this case carefully. People are amazed that Epstein was able to avoid Federal criminal prosecution eleven years ago for very serious sex crimes where victims crossed state lines.
    There are many people sure that Epstein paid a huge bribe to someone in the US Attorney’s Office to avoid prosecution. I never believed this. The Federal legal system is not that blatantly corrupt.
   What comes out here is that Epstein used the same playbook that manufacturers and distributors of opioids played to avoid Federal criminal prosecution concerning the deaths of hundreds of thousands of opioid overdose victims. These giant companies hired an army of top Harvard, Yale, and Stanford lawyers working at the best tier-one law firms.  This intimidated Federal prosecutors from bringing criminal cases and civil actions. In simple language, they knew that they were going to be facing much better lawyers.
   Epstein hired “a dream team’ of lawyers to defend him. I cannot prove this, but I have a good feeling that he also hired a team of private investigators to “investigate the investigators.” You can rest assured that they found some dirt on employees in the US Attorney’s office. Epstein used intimidation to win. He was given another eleven years to victimize and destroy the lives of underage women.

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