
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

We Now Have 200,197 Documented Coronavirus Deaths In The US!!!!!


   Josef Stalin is one of my most hated figures in history. He was a 5'4" psychopath and a human monster. However, he did come up with a few pearls of wisdom that have stuck with me for decades. The best one was:

"One human death is a tragedy. Thousands or millions of deaths are just numbers on a piece of paper."

    In the United States, we crossed a tragic threshold. For the first six months of the coronavirus pandemic we have 200,197 documented deaths here in the USA. Here is my source:

    I suspect that the actual total is far higher because a lot of deaths that were coronavirus got classified as something else. Dr. Fauchi once commented that we should take the published death toll and multiply it by 1.6 to get the actual death figure. Many of my politically conservative friends claim that the actual coronavirus death rate is a fraction of the reported deaths. They claim that doctors are under intense pressure to classify any death as a coronavirus death. I have been married to a doctor for 20 years. She has never been pressured to sign a death certificate incorrectly as coronavirus. (If she did such a thing, she could have her medical license revoked.)

     Let us put this awful death toll into perspective. I live in a town with a published population of 40,000 people. Imagine that every man, woman, and child in 5 Pacificas died in 6 months. Let us look at US war deaths from 1947 to the present as follows:


USSR Cold War 1947-1991:        32

China Cold War 1950-1972:       16

Korean War:                          33,686

Vietnam War:                        58,209

Lebanon:                                          6

Bay of Pigs Invasion:                       4

Cuban Missile Crisis:                     20

Dominican Republic:                     47

Iran:                                                   8

Granada Invasion:                         19

1966 Libya Bombing:                      2

Invasion of Panama:                     40

Gulf War:                                       294

Operation Provide Comfort:          4

Somalia:                                           43

Haiti:                                                   4

Colombia:                                           8

Bosnia-Herzegovina:                       12

Kosovo War:                                     18

War in Afghanistan:                   2,216

Iraq War:                                      4,497

Islamic State Intervention:             76

Raid on Yemen:                                  3

Total:                                          97,204

 In 73 years of violent armed conflicts, we have lost less than 1/2 of the number of people that we have lost in six months due to coronavirus. I will leave you to reflect on this.

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