
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Windfall-A Very Special Film To Watch On A Cold And Foggy Day

        Yesterday was a cold and foggy day. Such days are wonderful for reading and watching movies. Elena got immersed in a three-hour Japanese film. I have a passion for a special type of film. It is a character study. The writers put seemingly ordinary characters into unexpected situations with very high stress and physical danger.

     I discovered a very special film on Netflix yesterday. Its title is "Windfall." Here is the link if you're curious:


     A billionaire tech man on the level of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, etc. has a secret hideaway in some remote area of Ventura County, California. It is so secret that it does not have a security system, security patrols, etc. Some very savvy professional burglar figures out the location of this hideaway. He breaks in. He helps himself to Rolex watches, cash, etc.

   Before he can exit the property, his luck runs out. The tech billionaire and his wife (played by the singer Phil Collins' daughter) pull up and come into the house. They encounter the burglar. They try to placate him. They give him more cash and jewelry. They promise not to call the police.

      The burglar rejects this offer. He takes them hostage; He forces the billionaire to call his office. He wants $500,000 US in small bills delivered to the hideaway. What follows is a couple of very tense and dangerous days with a couple of deaths. We get to know each character in detail. We find out who they really are. We find out what kind of character each person has.

    I shall not reveal the ending. I will tell you that when you see it, you will go through some intense soul searching and deep thought afterward.

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