
Friday, August 5, 2022

When You Travel Be Very Careful Of Drug Laws

       The nine-year prison sentence that Brittany Griner got in Moscow yesterday is a warning for many of you. She was caught with a tiny amount of marijuana that she claimed was medical marijuana. In many American states and some foreign countries, this is legal. Here in the US, a traveler must be very careful about marijuana that could be legal in one state and illegal in other states.

       When we start to talk about travel to foreign countries, marijuana is not the only problem that you have to worry about. If you go to some Middle East countries, your prescription drugs that are legal in most of the world may not be legal there. For example, you might have Valium to help you with mental health issues. Even if it is properly prescribed, you could find yourself under arrest and facing harsh penalties. Some countries like China, Iran, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia have the death penalty on the books for any drug infraction.

     Elena made the comment that one should check with the airline you have a ticket booked about drug laws and regulations in the country where you are traveling to.

     My advice is to talk to the embassy of the country that you are traveling to make sure that you are following all their drug laws and regulations. Iran does not have embassies in many countries. You need to do careful online research.

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