
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What Happens If Trump Or Biden Drop Out Of The Presidential Race?

As this year started, Zanny Minton Beddoes and the team at The Economist Magazine took out a crystal ball to predict what would happen in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Their conclusion was: "Anything can happen." That was their prediction. The Financial Times of London has come out with an excellent article on what would happen if either Joe Biden or Donald Trump dropped out of the presidential election. Donald Trump is 78 years old. Joe Biden is 81 years old. Both men have lived longer than the normal life span for a male in the U.S. The first contingency is one where one of the men dies or becomes unable to continue the campaign before the nominating conventions. In this case, the nominating convention would take the form of nominating conventions from decades past. The delegates would be released from their commitment to Trump or Biden. There would be a floor fight to pick the nominee for president and vice president. If one of the candidates was forced to drop out or died after the nominating convention, the party committees would vote to nominate a new candidate. This process would be a mighty succession battle with deep social unrest and uncertainty. If Trump or Biden is actually elected president and then dies or has to drop out, the vice president would take over and be inaugurated as president. A new vice-president would be nominated and approved by the Senate. The Constitution is clear on this point.

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