
Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Former B-52 Pilot Endorses Obama

As a former B-52 Pilot and someone who has believed deeply in the Constitution of the United States as being one of the singularly greatest documents ever written, and as registered Republican who has watched in horror as core values of freedom have slowly but steadily been eroded under the Bush/Cheney regime, I have committed my vote and confidence to Barack Obama – I have hear the arguments that he doesn’t have the experience – but neither did Bill Gates when he started Microsoft or Steve Jobs when he started Apple – these two had a quality that is so desperately needed in America at this moment – they had vision. I believe that although youthful, Barack has vision, I also sense that he has compassion, something that Bush has made a mockery of standing on the ruins of New Orleans after Katrina and saying things like “I understand their pain” and then doing nothing – this has happened so many times in his 8 years.

America was built on the idea that dreams could be fulfilled through hard work and dedication, that each family could make life better for their children then they had, that our independence, our freedom, our ability to question authority, and our ability to work hand in hand alongside people of different religions, of varying ethnic backgrounds made us the strongest nation in the world – Freedom is strength… in my soul, I have slowly become more and more depressed as I have watched the complacency of allowing the atrocities that have gone on in Guantanamo reduce us to the same level as the very terrorists that we condemn.. I could not believe that when the truth came about the “WMD’s” that George Bush was not impeached… I can go on as to all the reasons for my depression, but let me say instead that for the first time in many years I feel a ray of hope, I believe there may be a very small glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel – I think that Barack Obama may be able to restore some of those freedoms that I so dearly cherish, he may be able to restore some or our lost prestige in the world, and finally, if he succeeds in helping to restore our economy and cut the dependence on foreign oil, we will be a much safer nation --- let us all not forget what brought down the USSR wasn’t internal revolt, it was they couldn’t economically support the Cold War any longer – at the moment, we are very much in the danger of not being able to support our position of strength in the world – and that is probably the most dangerous of all situations…

Like Jack, I voted for John McCain previously, but this is not the time for a dogmatic military leader – it’s the time for a charismatic leader with vision that can heal the wounds of division that GWB and company have done such a great deal creating and I think that person is Barack Obama – I would hope you join both Jack and myself Tuesday, and vote for the one person that may be able to start healing our country.

With Respect,

Orton Wisegarver

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