
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Big Change In My Lifestyle

I went for my annual physical. There was a lot of good news including a blood sugar that shows that I am in no danger of getting diabetes. Due to an exercise program of up to three hours perday, my good cholesterol was up and and my triglycerides were down.

Then came the really bad news. My LDL or "bad cholesterol" had shot up to 151. This put me at an increased risk for a heart attack or a stroke. My excellent primary  care physician, Dr. Alla Rudin, immediately put me on statins. This is a medication that reduces LDL and even gives other positive benefits. It also forces me to change my life as follows:

1) I can no longer drink alcohol.

2) I have to carefully monitor my diet to avoid foods with high fats and cholesterol.

3) I have to drop my weight from 216.7 lbs to 180 lbs. As of today I weigh in at 211 lbs!!!

I am adjusting well to my new life style and it has a lot of benefits.

Please get a regular physical examination and listen to your doctor. So many health problems, disabilities, and death are the result of lifestyle.

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