
Thursday, July 9, 2020

When Reality Imitates Art

When Reality Imitates Art

While the pandemic has left many with a bleak perspective on the future, scientists recently discovered that fans of movies and series like “Contagion” or “The Walking Dead” are having an easier time coping with the new realities, New York Post reported.
In a new study, lead author Coltan Scrivner and his team surveyed more than 300 people about the types of movies they like to watch. They then asked them about their experiences during the pandemic and how they coped.
Their findings showed that people who occasionally saw a horror film or an end-of-the-world movie were less upset about the current crisis, while those who enjoyed “prepper movies” – movies in which society crumbles – were more resilient during a calamity.
Scrivner told the Guardian that movies about pandemics – like “Contagion” – make people more familiar with quarantines, supply shortages and dubious information about miracle cures.
“You’ve seen it a hundred times in the movies, so it doesn’t catch you off-guard so much,” said Scrivner.

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