
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

An Amazing Music Writer Who You Have Never Heard Of


There is that old saying: "every dark cloud has a silver lining." This virus has forced us to forego in person meetings and rely on Zoom and other platforms to conduct meetings. I have met people in these meetings who I would never have the chance to interact with in person including the editor of The Economist magazine, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Dr. Alan Stern, etc. Last night i added someone to that list. His name is Jay Chattaway. It is a name that you have never heard of. His contribution to the entertainment business over 40 years is gigantic. He has touched all our lives. He is the man who wrote all the music for every star trek television series and movie ever produced. He had some fascinating stories about all the actors, etc. He is loaded with talent. he began life in humble circumstances in West Virginia. He graduated from the University of West Virginia. he knew that he had a talent for music. He made it happen. He was such a nice person. He wanted to know something about every person in the meeting. He told one story about his house in Malibu. He decided to store his 40 years of music away from his home at a self- storage facility. His house burned soon afterwards. If the music had been at his home, it would have all been destroyed. The music now resides at the University of Virginia library.

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