
Monday, March 4, 2013

A Ten-Mile Hike On The Iron Man Trail

Yesterday Elena and I put the dogs in the car and drove over to Danville. We hiked the Iron Mountain Trail and made 10 miles. Even our little 15.7 lb dog Alice made the whole 10 mile walk. Some fifteen years ago I was a very poor man and did not even own a car. I rode around on a bicycle that stills hangs in our garage downstairs. All of those years ago I lived in a rented room in Danville. I had to ride that bike along the Iron Mountain Trail between Danville and Walnut Creek BART station. I had to ride the BART all the way around to San Francisco and then get the Caltrains down to the job I had with George S. May Company in San Jose. It was a hard life and I've come a long way.

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