
Friday, June 19, 2015

A Wonderful Roofing Company Saves My Neck

A wonderful Mexican roofing company-New High Protection got me out of a big jam this morning. I had installed an exhaust fan in Luah's bathroom. The electricians did an excellent job of installing the ceiling fan in the bathroom. They were not able to come up with a way to vent steam to the outside through the roof. With out this capability, the fan would vent steam inside the attic. Our central heating system and attic insulation would have received water damage. I had a problem. Most roofing companies are booked up for months in advance with the boom in construction. My normal construction man, Tim Miller, was booked until 15 July. This great roofing company came out. They went right to work. They installed a solid aluminum exhaust pipe that will last for many years.

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