
Sunday, July 26, 2015

A Drunk Driver Kills A Man On Pacifica Streets

The Surf Spot is a restaurant where Elena and I often eat. They make some of the best Fish N' Chips on Planet Earth. Early yesterday evening a woman who had been eating and drinking there and possibly drunk allegedly pulled onto Highway One North. She should have turned right to get into the north-bound lanes. Instead she turned left and had a head on collision with a SUV. The 54 year old driver was killed.
This is a tragedy for the whole community. Elena and I often travel on Highway One. Our car could have been the one hit. One family has lost a beloved family member. The driver of the car that hit his vehicle is facing anywhere from 4 years to life in prison. Even the Surf Spot could be in trouble under what is known as a "dram law." In other words if a restaurant or bar keeps giving alcohol to an obviously drunk person and they later are involved in an accident, the establishment serving the alcohol could be liable for serious civil or even criminal penalties.
Everyone is a loser here. Please do not drink and drive. As the actor Broderick Crawford used to saw on the television program Highway Patrol 60 years ago: "The life you save may be your own."

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