
Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Friends Eloquent Comments On This Crisis

Hello Jack:
Thank you for the German proverb  of ”Nothing matters more than staying alive.” The Germans were very wise. I remember seeing a lot of World War II movies in my youth like “Patton” that were grand Hollywood productions with a star studded cast where Americans were the victors and handily beat the enemy because success and self aggrandizement were lapped up eagerly by the American public!! However, the rare movie like “Anne Frank’s Diary” a factual depiction of a young girl’s rendition of her family’s fears and struggles” while they were holed up in an upper level modest apartment with very limited food and water in occupied Germany was something that made the blood run cold and was never a box office success like the other wartime movies.
We, are today living Anne Frank’s life holed up in our homes living in fear and uncertainty of the very existence of our lives but our enemy is not the powerful German SS. Our enemy is quiet, stealthy, and deadly and infinitesimally smaller at 1/10,000th of a millimeter that is invisible to the naked eye. Our enemy is consequently able to move across the world with ease creating tremendous havoc in its wake. This is a very insidious and terrible enemy that truth to say I still believe came out of a Chinese lab. Their precursors included the SARS virus that were not as deadly but it appears the  Chinese nailed it this time. It is also the reason why the  Chinese were able to contain it so quickly after appearing impotent at first as even if they had the antidote that I am sure they do (after all they planned and perfected their coup over many years of failed attempts), they are definitely not going to share it with the world are they?? Are we going to be the silent victors who triumph in the end over this mortal enemy like Anne Frank who survived till a ripe old age or will we become the forgotten ones that history will gloss over as a passing afterthought? Time will tell. 

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