
Friday, December 11, 2020

The Human Face of 300,000 Coronavirus Deaths


     According to my system of statistics, as of this morning some 299,692 people have died of coronavirus in the US. This number is hard to imagine. It is as if everyone in Anchorage, Alaska, Bakersfield, California, or Anaheim, California died.

         Please allow me to put a human face to all this death and suffering. Tom Meyer is a man from Ohio. He recently died at age 71 due to coronavirus. His story was on television last night. It was told through the eyes of his loving daughter. He was in the hospital for blood pressure problems. He was diagnosed as Covid-19 positive. He went to the ICU. He stayed there for some time. He was on ventilators. He technically died two times. He was able to leave the ICU and was discharged from the hospital. He was sent to a nursing home to finish his recovery. His prognosis was positive. Unexpectedly he died. He never got to see his new-born granddaughter.

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