
Friday, June 24, 2022

In Praise Of A Remarkable Woman-Jean Brink

       Early each morning while Elena is still sleeping, I leave the house. I drive to Oceana High School. I park and line up in front of The Jean Brink swimming pool. When admitted, I go to lane two and swim with friends. In lane one, Jean Brink can be found each morning swimming. Over the months we have become great friends.

     Jean is a remarkable woman with an incredible story that I want to share with all of you. Jean was born 80 years ago in Indiana. She loved basketball from a young age. After high school, Jean got a BA and MA in education from a university that I love-Purdue! She got married. She and her husband relocated to Boston. They built an ocean-going boat together. They set sail for an adventure of travel around the world. A cargo ship collided with their boat. It sunk. It was a huge disappointment. They decided to relocate to San Francisco. Jean and her husband bought a home here in Pacifica. They had two children. Life was full of hope and promise.

      Then disaster struck. Jean's husband got into a dispute with a neighbor who was armed with a pistol. The neighbor shot her husband. He survived the bullet wound but was paralyzed. Jean found herself with a husband who could no longer work. She had two young children to raise. Jean was a pre-school teacher on a very low salary.

      Jean rolled up her sleeves. She saved her home. She took care of her disabled husband. She raised her two children to have great lives. She cared for her husband who eventually regained partial mobility. Jean launched a career in public service and served on school boards.

      Two days ago, Jean's husband passed away at age 83. I saw Jean yesterday. I gave her my condolences. I complimented her. I told her that I had never seen her feel sorry for herself. I had never seen her display an attitude that life had been unfair and cruel to her. I told her that she had truly earned my respect and admiration.

       There is a saying that I like as follows:

       "There but for the grace of God go I."

         In this case, it means that what happened to Jean could have happened to any of us. Please reflect on that and be thankful.


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