
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Some Good Advice From Stratfor

My friends Stratfor is a private intelligence agency. I am a low-level subscriber (Some corporate CEOs and world leaders pay up to $100.000 per year for their superb services.) I tell friends that I get a better intelligence briefing each morning than President Obama gets. For example last year we had to go with a family member to Tijuana, Mexico. Elena as quite worried about dangers from drug cartel activities there. I contacted Stratfor and did research on Tijuana. It is under the jurisdiction of the Sinalola cartel. This cartel tries to keep a low profile and rarely resorts to violence. With this information in hand we took a trip to Tijuana. It was an enjoyable day. The only hassle we had was with US immigration coming back to the US. Stratfor has a simple recommendation for all travelers. Always carry a small flashlight with you. This could be a life saver if you have problems on an aircraft or a power failure in a hotel room in some foreign country (Not as unusual as you would think.)

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