
Monday, July 29, 2013

Two Ballpoint Pens From 16.5 Years Ago

The small things in life should mean a lot to you. Sixteen and a half years ago I was awarded two ball point pens by the George S. May Company. These pens were given to me by my boss at the time, Steven Sanchez, for excellent sales performance. Despite all of my good work, I cleared less than $400 every two weeks. I rode a bicycle (that I still have hanging in my garage). I had no medical insurance. I could not even afford to rent a room on this salary. I lived in a homeless shelter. In the end the taxpayers and charities of Santa Clara County, California were subsidizing this company so that it could pay exploitation wages to its workers. Walmart knows this story well. This is how they prosper.
On the other hand that miserable exploitation job gave me pride and hope in life. It also matches with that old saying: "Once you have a job you can always get another one."
I carry these pens with me every day to remind me of how far that I had come in life. It gives me humility. 
After George S. May Company I was very lucky to get a job with an incredible man who owned a trading company in Holland. He gave me some profound words of wisdom as follows: "Jack I could lose it all tomorrow." I never forget those words. Everyday I'm thankful for what I have and humble. Many people down at the bottom are never fortunate enough to pull themselves up. The millions of poor people,even in a rich country like the US, are living proof of this.

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