
Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Co-Creator Of The Simpsons Is Terminally Ill With Colon Cancer

The animated television series The Simpsons has been part of my life for almost 25 years. It's cute. It's original. It appeals to people of all ages and political ideologies. It has an incredible audience all over the world. It also never loses its appeal and popularity. I got the sad news that one of its co-creators, Mat Groening, who is 58 years of age was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer and has 3 months to 6 months left to live. Matt is a man of incredible achievements in life including 9 Emmy awards. He graduated from Stanford and now lives in Malibu. Sadly Colon cancer is curable if detected in time. A colonoscopy might have saved his life.
Matt has decided to donate the bulk of his substantial fortune to charity and this is very touching. He is animal lover. So animals will be well provided for in his will.
My dear friends with all of his talent,money and power, his life is being unfairly taken away from him. None of us knows how much time we have left. We should treasure every day on earth.

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